Xiang Sun | 孙祥 | 孫祥
Curriculum Vitae
How to pronounce Xiáng Sūn?
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, National University of Singapore, 2008–2013
Advisors: Yeneng Sun and Xiao Luo - B.S. in Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2004–2008
Advisor: Qing Chen
Professor of Economics, Economics and Management School, Wuhan University [faculty page at WHU]
Research Interests
Economic Theory and Applications
specialized in Matching and Market Design, Game Theory and Information Economics, Social and Economic Networks
- Mailing Address:
Economics and Management School, Mailbox 4-29, Wuhan University
299 Bayi Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei, 430072, China
Mailing Address in Chinese:
中国,湖北,武汉,武昌区,八一路 299 号
武汉大学,经济与管理学院,信箱 4-29,430072 - Office: Room 269, Liangsheng Building (亮胜楼), Economics and Management School [Google Maps] [高德地图]
- E-mail: xiangsun [\dot] econ [\@] gmail [\dot] com (preferred),
xiangsun [\dot] econ [\@] whu [\dot] edu [\dot] cn(never used) - Tel: +86 027 6875 5072
Fax: +86 027 6875 4150- Mobile: Available upon request
- WeChat: xiangsun or QR code
- Skype: xiangsun.sunny
- I can be also reached via other ways
- 联系本人申请博士的,请先完成 Game Theory – An Introduction 习题17.1