在 airbnb 上讨债

以下是我最近在 airbnb 上的一段讨债经历,曾作为回答出现于知乎。这段经历还是令人满意的,作为不错的出行方式,我还是会经常选择 airbnb 的。

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2015 年 8 月初在伦敦出行,7 月底在 airbnb 上预订了一间房。当时比较急,只在地图上看了下房间的位置和设施,没有仔细阅读房间的描述。这个房间的信息页面的图上显示,这个房间在 Trafalgar Square(特拉法加广场)附近——对伦敦熟悉的朋友应该知道这是很好的地段了。


既然位置这么好,各方面也都不错,我就直接预订了。房东几个小时之后也确认了。然后,我点开了 itinerary,结果发现具体的地址是:

9 Victory Parade
London, England E20 1GA
United Kingdom

东 20 区!距离市区的距离可想而知。提一句,itinerary 里面的地图还是在特拉法加广场附近。

当时就想取消了,但是发现这个房东的退款政策是“严格”,大概就是只退一半左右。那时的想法“我去年买了块表”。试着跟房东联系了,房东很快就回话了;以下是跟房东的站内信交流记录,XXX 是房东,YYY 是我:


Thanks for your message!

I just reviewed the itinerary, but found that the location listed in the itinerary seems to be different from that in the map at the bottom of the room page. In the map, it seems that the room is just near the westminster abbey. However, the accurate location given in the itinerary is very far.

I would like to check with you that we hope to cancel the booking for free. Indeed, we just booked the room and the opportunity cost is low. In addition, the main reason for us to book the room is its location, as we expected that it is near the westminster abbey based on the map. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for your understanding!

Best, YYY


I've just seen this as well strange as I am located in Stratford. Please feel free to cancel the booking and I'll issue refund.



过了一天左右,发现 receipt 变成这样的了

¥601 x 5 nights ¥3005
Cleaning Fees ¥238
Airbnb Service Fee ¥391
Refund (¥1741)
Total ¥1893
Payment Received: Sun, July 19, 2015 (VISA xxxxxxxxxxxx4501) ¥3634
Refunded Mon, July 20, 2015 (VISA xxxxxxxxxxxx4501) (¥1741)
Balance ¥1893

我猜测是系统自动做成这样的,房东退款可能需要一个过程,所以就给房东发了封站内信问问;一天过去了,没有任何回信。我就又发了一封站内信,房东还是没理我。房东的信息页面上显示他回复率 100%,而且都是在 1 小时之内回复。我当时觉得这个房东有可能不想退我钱,一直拖着,直到到哪天我忘了这事。呵呵,你当我是好欺负的啊。另外,房东在这之后马上把地图修改了。

我又等了一个多星期,钱依然没退,站内信也没有回复。我满心激动地直接联系了 airbnb 的工作人员。这里吐槽下,airbnb 居然没有直接的投诉电话,这点太不方便了。


过了大概几个小时,airbnb 的邮件到了。

ZZZ, Aug 2, 17:00:
Hello XXX,

This is ZZZ with Airbnb, I enjoyed chatting with you today.

Just as we previously spoke about, I'm forwarding your case on wards to the Trip team, and a dedicated case manager will be in touch soon.

In the meantime, please feel free to add any additional information (including pictures, videos, or other documentation of your travel issue) by replying to this email. We also recommend reaching out to your host, as they're often in a position to work this out quickly.

Best regards,

果断把房间位置的截图、itinerary、receipt 等等都附了上去,还写了一封很长的邮件来说明具体情况,如下(英文不怎么的,看官随便看看就好了)


Thanks very much for your help. I would like to provide details for your information.

1. I booked the room on July 19, then got confirmed, and my credit card had been charged 3848 CNY.

2. However, after reviewing the itinerary (attached), I found that the location listed in the itinerary is different from that in the map at the bottom of the original room page. Indeed, the location listed in the itinerary is even different from the location in the map of the itinerary.

To be more precise, the location listed in the itinerary is "9 Victory Parade London, England E20 1GA United Kingdom”, while the map at the bottom of the original room page (when I booked the room) showed that the room is in the central, near the Westminster Abbey. I attached the screenshot of the room page before the host’s recent change to illustrate this point (after the communication with the host, he changed the map location).

3. I then sent message to host and required to cancel the booking for free immediately (on July 20), and the owner agreed (see the message history attached).

4. However, the owner just refunded me half of my payment (1741 CNY) and then never replied to my messages any more. Now I have waited for two more weeks and nothing happens.

I booked this room only because of its location, which was shown to be very close to the Westminster Abbey in the map. The host used the false information to attract me to book his room. It is indeed cheating! I request the host to refund the whole payment including the fee for 5 nights, the clearing fee and the Airbnb Serving Fee.

Thanks very much for your help again! Looking forward to hearing from you. Please let me know if you need any further information.

Best, YYY

大概又过了一天,airbnb 又回信了

WWW, Aug 3, 19:14:
Hello YYY

This is WWW from Airbnb Customer Experience Center. I hope this email can find you well. I’m glad to receive your reply.

I understand your feeling about this reservation you booked, and think the position is not as description on listing page. And I know the position brings you some trouble during your trip, so I submit your case to related team and hope can offer you full refund successfully. And your reservation MFYD2W's refund is processing, you can check your refund information after 5-7 business day (Not include weekend). Due to you got 1741 CNY refund previous, you can check another 1893 CNY refund around 08/13.

Also due to the position problem will affect your trip, I hope can provide you some tips to make your next trip better. We asks host to set a exactly correct position of their listings, but we won't show the exactly listing position on listing page to protect host's security. So maybe next time you can contact host by our message system before you pay for a reservation. then you can avoid the long time waiting of refund period. I hope Airbnb can bring you every wonderful travel experience.

Thank you for reading my email, and if you have further problems please feel free to let me know. I will do my best to help you.

Hope you have a nice day.
Best regards,

搞定!两天后,钱到账!airbnb 的客服体验还不错。

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